Atlantic Crossing: Transforming Young Lives with Study Exchanges and Work Opportunities in Northwest Ireland and Boston, MA
CHAIR: Paul Pelan, Irish International Immigration Center
CONTRIBUTORS: Kaitlyn Zhang, Gabriel Reid, and Victoria (Tori) Pacheco, Northeastern University student representatives from 2019 Ireland visit, Mark Culliton, Founder, College Bound Dorchester, Steve Burke, Founder Belfast-Boston Youth Empowerment Program, Catriona McCarthy, Ulster University, Rob McCarron, Senior VP, AICUM
CHAIR: Paul Pelan, Irish International Immigration Center
CONTRIBUTORS: Kaitlyn Zhang, Gabriel Reid, and Victoria (Tori) Pacheco, Northeastern University student representatives from 2019 Ireland visit, Mark Culliton, Founder, College Bound Dorchester, Steve Burke, Founder Belfast-Boston Youth Empowerment Program, Catriona McCarthy, Ulster University, Rob McCarron, Senior VP, AICUM